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November 29, 2007


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Hey Sarah, I'm loving your blog & recipes!! Shame I'm not back in Ireland to check out that pig! However, I'll definitely be trying your left over recipe above. Keep me updated on any 'cook for one' delights you may have!


I have been clicking through blog links and ended up here - to see more delicious recipes.....mmmm

I thought I would tell you about my new cooking forum www.TheCooksJournal.co.uk you can tell the members all about your blog, or just come and chat food.


Looks gorgeous, Sarah - what a fab way to use up leftovers. Bet the lemon gave it a lovely zing :-)

I'm also a fan of the freezer - don't know what I'd do without it for all those soups, bakes, stews, 2 for 1 punnets of blueberries on offer... Think I'm going to need a bigger freezer!


Ooh yeah, or one of those big American fridges that Nigella has with all the shelfs on the door.... Drool...

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