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November 21, 2007


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this looks very tasty, i'm going to try this recipe straight away.....yummy


Congrats Sarah on the blog. Of course I had to read this after a crappy lunch of beans on toast and now this has made me crave poppies and saussies (as my grandmother might say)


Poppies & saussies... Love it!! Thanks Jen...


Well hellooo Sarah!! I'll be expecting something vegetarian in the not too distant future!


Welcome to the blogsphere!! Great post, my mouth is watering after that!! I'll add you're link straight away.


Welcome Sarah! Great to start off with a real winter warmer - just spent 30 minutes standing outside school in the cold being shown a variety of smokers so it's lovely to read about something so substantial and perfect for this freezing weather.

Indie Limerick

Bangers & Mash such a great comfort food! Another great food blog, welcome, heres my blog, best of luck


one of my favourite foods.
good stuff, the recipe is really clear and easy to follow and you don't have to go to outer mongolia to get the ingredients.great! I might have to cook this for the fella and eat the sausages in a very suggestive way!!!
good on ya


Mon, you're gas!!! It's not that kind of website... But i'm impressed ;o)

Laura, plenty of veggie tricks up my sleeve so don't worry; keep comin back!!!

Indie, I've added you to my list too.

Thanks everyone else for your kind words.


Sarah!you have completely revamped the bangers and mash choice,it looks delish and I (being a terrible cook) think I might be able to make this myself. Definatley trying it out. Love the blog by the way. I'll be keeping my eye on this.x


Well done Sarah and welcome to spending too much time in cyberspace. Thanks for the apt description of moi. I'll add you as a link just as soon as I've digested my six course Slow Food dinner from last Night!


Just a quick note to wish you luck with the new blog.


Well done on your first blog Sarah! I'll definitely be a regular visitor xx


Pia, I know you're an excellent cook so behave!!!

Val, that discription came in automatically - good though!

Squid, thanks a mill for the note on your site, a good few people saw it.

Rachel @ Fairycakeheaven

This looks divine, am new to the blogosphere myself so I'll add you if you add me and all that ;-) Best o' luck girl


Congrats on the new blog! I'll try not to read it just before lunch in future! I'm still stuck in my 'blogspotter' ways for the time being, but as soon as I get publishing I'll be sure to let you know. :)


Hi Siobhan, the peer pressure from the girls is pretty heavy. You'll be blogging before you know it ;o)


Oi!!! How come I was the last to know??? Welcome to the blogging world Sarah, you'll be brill!!!


hey Sarah
I tried the bangers and mash and it was a success. The only thing I did wrong, was I didn't cut up the onion thinly enough and put in too much balsamic vinegar....note to self. Also i didn't have a red oniion but that was cool, I just used a white one.
will try another recipe soon


Hey Mon, more sugar will usually balance out the onion.... Great that you tried it though!!! Hope all's well in Canadia...


Hi Sarah, fantastic blog, I'm very impressed! Best of luck with Ballymaloe, I'm very envious!!

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