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December 12, 2007


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Glad ye had a great night, would have loved to have been there especially for the Prosecco:) I think the fillet and the sole are definitely the Piccola's signature dishes!! That dubious meat you speak of is Mortadella, I thought the same when I first had it but now love it, great for sandwiches or with pizza marg!! Not that popular here but huge in Italy, they do sell it in Superquinn though so somebody must be eating it in Limerick!!:) I always buy my salad leaves at that stand too when I do get in there!!!


Hi Lor, thanks for the info; I wasn't sure what it was at all at all! I'd be tempted to go for the steak next time but really, the sole there is the best around. I had sole in Azur early last year that was up there with it but then the customers complained about the price so they reduced the size to lower the price :o(


I've been meaning to make that salad from Rachel's new one for a while now. Must definitely get those leaves in the market this week (well I'll be sending Mike as I have college - booooo!!!


Hi Maz, yeah, it's worth the effort - Rachel did it as a starter but I made a bigger salad & had it for lunch. Beetroot is in season at the mo & all the market stalls are selling it - go for it!


I love your blog. I'm glad I have just had a huge dinner and am stuffed because I'd be going crazy otherwise. Glad you are advertising the market etc. Lots of good stuff there. Will be keeping an eye out for more recipes.


Hi Maria, welcome to the blog... Are you a veggie??? I'm trying to get in a good cross section of recipes but I've a long way to go. I haven't even touched on seafood or desserts yet. All in good time I guess.


Those salad leaves are definitely the best, Sorcha is a big fan because there are usually some edible flowers in there too! Sounds like you had a great night, I was disappointed to miss out, I'm all for dessert as your next post!

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