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January 14, 2008


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I looove Barcelona, had a fab meal in that Picasso restaurant too (I think it's called 'Quatre Cats'). Next time you visit be sure to make a trip to Cacoa Sampaka - a fantastic chocolate shop!!


Hi Kate, i'll def be going back to Barca; I just loved it so thanks for the tip, all foodie travel tips are welcomed.


The croquettes sound wonderful, lucky you going to Spain, though I don't know about the tomato 'bath!'


Lisa, yeah, give it a miss. Spain's worth a visit though, next stop for us will be the Basque region which is supposed to be a foodie haven!


Was in the Mexican the other night and they have a small selection of tapas on the menu which were really good - we tried croquettes, squid and nachos. Pity about the Argentinean beef, very tough but had a great flavour!!:(


Now that is good information. I still haven't been there so have it on the list of places to try out.

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