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January 31, 2008


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Wow - our recipes are very similar! I use wine too, but of course to purists it's probably worse than cream! ;-) The whole purist thing with food gets to me sometimes. Yes, if you have quality ingredients you shouldn't need to mess with them much, but if you do and it works, then who cares? ;-)


Paris? I'm so jealous! Enjoy.


Deborah, I agree totally. I read somewhere before that a traditional bolognese sauce doesn't have tomatoes!! You just gotta do what works and try and make a dish your own. You'd be driven batty if every recipe you cooked was done to-the-letter.

Kieran, thanks. I'm looking forward to it!


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LOVE carbonara!!! and that restaurant you went to sounds fantastic!!! And Paris am so jealous but will have to make do with London myself!


Oh and tagged you Sarah, check out my blog and you'll see what it's all about girl.


That restaurant sounds great, and just what we need in Limerick, more good, mid-price fun places. Maybe a bloggers dinner night is coming soon?


Rachel, making do with London & Locanda Locatelli - I don't feel one bit sorry for you!!!

Val, yep indeed. Limerick's getting there...

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