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March 19, 2008


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Congratulations Sarah. Sounds heavenly. Kiwi sorbet sounds so cool.


Sounds fantastic, have put it on my list of places to go when we're down in May.


that place sounds great sarah, congrats on the anniversary.

rachel, you've so many places on your list now that you might need to stay for the week!!


Congratulations, sounds delicious!


Hey Sarah haven't been to the CT in a while, had a couple of mixed experiences there like all restaurants really so must go back again!! It could do with a little re-vamp I think, I hate that purple colour, fabulous setting though!! Congrats on the anniversary:)


Yeah, the decor is a tad modern alright. The food was superb though!


Congrats! It's been a while since I've been there, but I loved it...

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