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April 11, 2008


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Sorry to hear about your gran Sarah! Best of luck on Sunday, I'd say you're so excited! Looking forward to reading all about it!!


I'm so sorry to hear about your granny Sarah. Hope all goes well next week, keep us informed of your progress. :-)


My condolences on your Gran Sarah. Best of luck at Ballymaloe... looking forward to hearing about your progress!


Sorry to hear about your granny Sarah, hope you're ok girl.

Best of luck in Ballymaloe, am SO SO jealous and if you decide you hate it after the first day give me a shout and I'll swap with ya!!!


Sarah, so sorry to hear about your gran. Sounds like she made a wonderful impact on those lucky enough to have known her.

Best wishes for Ballymaloe, can't wait to hear more about it.


Sorry to hear about your gran, Sarah.

Best of luck with Ballymaloe and let us know how you're getting on :-)


Where is the blog gone Woulfie???

Just going off on a 3 month holiday is no excuse for neglecting the blog.........

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